Jagaul.com Lifestyle Fashion 7 Vitamins That Are Important To Keep The Body Fit And Healthy

7 Vitamins That Are Important To Keep The Body Fit And Healthy

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Vitamin B6 reduces the risk of heart disease.

Vitamin A strengthens the immune system and also protects against infection.

Vitamins and minerals are one of the important micronutrients of our body. But it is not produced in our body; rather, we have to get it through food. Vitamins help us stay fit and healthy. It also aids in the development of cells and tissues in the body and repairs them when they become damaged. However, from strengthening bones to the fitness of muscles, vitamins are needed for the proper functioning of the body. Although there are a total of 13 vitamins, let’s take a look at the 7 important vitamins that are necessary to be present in sufficient quantities in the body.

1. Vitamin A:

People generally think that vitamin A only improves eyesight. According to research, vitamin A is also essential for strengthening the skin and bones. It also strengthens the immune system, which also protects against infection. Vitamin A reduces the risk of cataracts. For vitamin A, dairy products such as meat, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach and mango should be consumed.

2. Vitamin B1:

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. This vitamin transforms food into energy in the body. It is essential for the health of the skin, hair, muscles and brain. Even vitamin B1 is needed for the proper functioning of the nerves. For vitamin B1, one should intake brown rice, soy milk, watermelon and sweet corn in the diet.

3. Vitamin B3:

Vitamin B3 is very important for blood formation, the brain and the nervous system. For this include Meat, poultry, whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes and peanut butter in the diet.

4. Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 is very important for us. It reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 converts tryptophan into niacin, which makes the neurotransmitters healthy. If the neurotransmitters are healthy, then you sleep well, feel hungry and have a better mood. For vitamin B6, consume meat, fish, potatoes, tofu, legumes, fresh fruits, bananas and melons in a diet.

5. Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 is very important because it reduces homocysteine levels in the blood. It reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B12 protects nerve cells. It also creates blood cells and DNA in the blood.

6. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is extremely vital for infection prevention. It improves the immune system and lowers the risk of cancer. It also helps to create collagen under the skin, which makes the skin smooth. For vitamin C, consume citrus fruits, such as broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, capsicum, etc.

7. Vitamin D:

Calcium is absorbed in the body through vitamin D. It regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. Vitamin D is also vital for bone strength. Vitamin D is mostly found in fatty fish, fortified milk and cereals. However, the most abundant source of vitamin D is sunshine.

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