Jagaul.com Legal Law Code Pink or “Pinko Commies”? Pelosi Wants the FBI to Find Out – JONATHAN TURLEY

Code Pink or “Pinko Commies”? Pelosi Wants the FBI to Find Out – JONATHAN TURLEY

The group’s founder Medea Benjamin said that it has led many of the pro-Palestinian protests and demanded an investigation of Pelosi.

Of course, that is what any Russian agent would say. After all, didn’t Joe McCarthy refer to enemies as “Pinko commies.” Pelosi is only now proving him correct by showing that Code Pink is coded red.

The problem with Code Pink’s denial is that Benjamin failed to address the bombshell evidence previously uncovered and revealed for the first time on this blog. The brief video shows actual Russian agents training to enter a small New England town — precisely the type of street operation suspected by Pelosi:


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