Jagaul.com Legal Law New Mexico Loses Another Key Fight Over Ban on Concealed Weapons in Public Parks – JONATHAN TURLEY

New Mexico Loses Another Key Fight Over Ban on Concealed Weapons in Public Parks – JONATHAN TURLEY

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We previously discussed New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s effort to effectively ban guns (both open carry and concealed) with a flagrantly unconstitutional public health emergency order last year. After triggering a court fight, Grisham backed down and scaled down her order to ban concealed weapons in parks and playgrounds. The park ban was enjoined by U.S. District Kea W. Riggs as presumptively unconstitutional, leaving only a small fraction of Grisham’s original effort. Now, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has rejected her bid to lift that injunction in a key decision on appeal.

The demands for injunctive relief are based on a substantial likelihood that a party will prevail on the merits.  While the gun rights advocates were clearly able to establish that before Judge Riggs, Gov. Grisham had no success before the Tenth Circuit in dislodging that presumptive finding. The rejection of the challenge to the injunction suggests that the appellate court is equally unimpressed by the legal and historical arguments put forward by the state.


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